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Eyebrow Treatment


White Background


$500/ 2-3 Hours

Microblading is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattoo. Tattoos, which use a tattoo gun, microblading rather uses a blade-shaped tool with tiny needles to create hair-like, realistic strokes along your brows while depositing pigment into your skin. The results are natural, defined and beautiful eyebrows that take beauty to the next level.

Powder Brows

$500/ 2-3 Hours

This technique offers a more subtle, soft and "powdered" look of makeup. This method seems to look better and better as pigments fades, which makes this a popular choice. Also, the best choice for covering old faded permanent makeup. 

Hybrid Brows

$600/ 2-3 Hours

The latest technique in permanent eyebrow makeup, it is a combination of simulated hair strokes to match real hair and tiny dots for a powdery and full brow. This technique is best for clients who want a defined eyebrow which they don't have to shade or retrace each morning.

Touch Up


6-8 weeks $150

9 weeks -3 months: $450

4 months and up Regular price.


Does Microblading hurt?


Microblading does not hurt and is often compared to twezing and threading. Everyone's pain tolerance is different, but many clients will often fall asleep during the procedure, a topical anesthetic with 5% Lidocaine will be applied prior to begining to ansure the client is as comfortable as possible. 


How Often do I need a Touchup?


This is dependant on the clients lifestyle, skin type and skin care routine. It is recomended for a client to get a touch up ranging from 6 months to 2 years. 



Who Does NOT Qualify For Our Eyebrow Services?

Those under the age of 18                 Those Pregnant or nursing

Keloid history, hypopigmentation     HIV or Hepatitus

Any Skin condition near area             Major Heart Problems

Lupus or Epilepsy                                Allergic to metals

Organ Transplanter             


  •       It is important to consult with your doctor if you have had any of these previously and provide us with a doctor's note.

Doctor's Note REQUIRED

If you are undergoing or have,

Chemotherapy                                     Diabetes

Thyroid Problems                                 Glaucoma

High Blood Pressure


  • A Doctor's note is required to book and appointment, this is for your safety!


  1.  No Chemical Peels 60 days prior

  2. No Injections 30 days prior

  3. No tanning, waxing, tinting or threading one week prior

  4. No Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Niacin, Vitamin-E, Omega-3, 2 Days Prior

  5. No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior


Grainy Surface

Monday-Friday: 10:00am-7:00pm

Saturday: 9:30am-4:00pm

Sunday: Closed                                                              


Phone: 347.904.1038


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